Welcome to

So What Now?

A lifestyle blog to bring you closer to God.

Our Goal

Our goal is to weekly share our life, our questions, and whatever we can have in our hearts. The schedule: testimonies, thoughts, Bible quotes, videos, music. To make it short, everything God will put on our hearts so we can make decisions from now on for a life in the future.


Our Content


  • Every two weeks, we release a new article that has come to our hearts. It can deal with a lot of topics that we may share to spread the news of the Gospel, through podcasts, videos, or articles. Therefore, let’s read and get closer to God together.

  • Everyone has their own stories: how they came to the Father, their struggles, or even what He has done for them lately. So, welcome to our monthly testimonial series, where our readers and contributors share what the Father has done for them!

  • Here at So What Now?, we find it important to take the time to praise and worship regularly! Therefore, we have linked our Spotify playlist here so you can listen to what everyone on the SWN team is listening to on a regular basis!

  • In our continued search to spread the good word, we've finally reached podcasting! Posting some of our previous articles so that you can listen on the go, So What Now is here for you!

  • Sometimes, being a bilingual brand, we will post songs or media in French, or in English. Therefore, we have this section, where we try to help you to understand what a song in either language is as we add it to our media.

  • Our YouTube channel has been launched! Every two weeks, a brand new video will drop, with some knowledge or insight for you. Let's praise, worship, and get closer to the Father together!

May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance.

  • 2 Thessalonians 3:5

Follow our YouTube channel to get all of the latest news, videos, and updates from the team!

Feel free to participate in praise and worship with us!

We are constantly adding songs to our playlist, and would love to hear from you! What are you listening to? What songs are touching your heart during this season?

To the left, is our Spotify Playlist. But right now, feel free to listen and enjoy His presence!