You Can Be Forgiven!
Before we start, I would like to recap certain points discussed in previous topics. In my opinion, they are relevant enough to be discussed in this article for better comprehension of the subject that will be spoken of. If you need more information on what will be talked about, take a look at the Bible or at the past articles! It has been said that there are times when we all make mistakes and end up hurting others around us, as well as we have all suffered at the expense of one's shortcomings, and by our disobedience to God, we have all “wounded” Him too. I also started this website by saying both you and I are loved by God.
Since God loves us, He desires to have a relationship with us. In the beginning of creation, He had a relationship with Adam and Eve in the garden. After, they sinned and disobeyed God, which separated them from Him. From that point on, a covenant needed to be established: blood needed to flow in order for our sins to be forgiven. The old testament and particularly the book of Leviticus are full of such examples and rules on this theme.
The main idea is simple enough in itself: when a member in God's people ( or a group of God's people as mentioned in the Bible) sinned and recognized it, they were obliged to present their son offerings to the high priests (at the tabernacle and later the temple once it was built) with specific sacrifices required by the covenant Law, to obtain forgiveness from God. The priests had to follow ordinances of God with utmost precision to complete the forgiveness process for the person in question. It was also necessary for the sinner to repent after asking God for forgiveness, which is to not make the same bad mistakes nor return to their old sinful ways.
In the same manner the Israelites would depart from the ways of God, so sin, and in the same manner they needed to be forgiven in order to escape the wrath of God, we have similarly lived out, because in one way or another, we have disobeyed Him. It works out that, the closer we are to God, the more we will know the heart of God (i.e. what He wants from or asks of us). If you do not do this nor pay attention to Him, it will be easier for you to fall into sin.
Once you give your life to God, you will make it more of your duty to please Him as a result of His work in you. However, the Bible says “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Therefore, we all need an effective sacrifice for the remission of our sins. The good news is, about two thousand years ago, the perfect sacrifice who fulfilled all of God's commands, was given to us by Him! It is Jesus Christ who is the Son of God! He is more valuable than any animal, since He is a part of God. He is the most precious, most marvelous and the most long lasting than all the sacrifices. It is what verse 24 tells us: “and are being justified [declared free of the guilt of sin, made acceptable to God, and granted eternal life] as a gift by His [precious, undeserved] [a]grace, through the redemption [the payment for our sin] which is [provided] in Christ Jesus...“
The blood of Jesus flowed for you and I, and allows us to be forgiven of our sins today as long as we repent. This means He will forget our trespasses and He will choose to not make us pay the price for it since He provided the ‘payment’ through Christ.
If you have not given your heart to the Lord yet, now would be a good time to do so. You just have to recognize Jesus as the sacrifice for your sins, to ask for forgiveness and leave your sinful ways. This decision, which would lead you in the right direction, would make God very happy! As a matter of fact, “when you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you[a] alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross” (Colossians 2:13-15). Thus, not only can you be forgiven, but also be made innocent before God through Jesus! I encourage you to take this step to forgiveness today.
To you who have already given your heart to Jesus, know that none of your faults are unpardonable as long as you repent (excluding blasphemy of the Holy Spirit). The duration of your walk with God, your biblical knowledge, your shortcomings, your origin… nothing can prevent you from being forgiven apart from denying your sins. Two steps are fundamental to take to be forgiven: first, repentance, as I have explained to you, which consists of asking God for the forgiveness of your sins (all in changing the disposition and attitude of your heart), and the second is having faith in God that He has forgiven you upon request.
What now? What will be your decision? I encourage you to choose God no matter how old you are, your profession, your identity, et cetera. You can be forgiven and see a transformation in your life forever. The choice is yours.
May God bless you and keep you,
Have a good week
Do 😊
P. S. : I was inspired by the book “Le Pardon” by Jean-Claude Florin and Dominique Mourot that you can get a hold of online if you so desire. It is more detailed of course, and has also inspired me for the subjects to come for this blog. Unfortunately, it does not exist in English...