Personal Adjustment
This article is more for someone who knows the Bible, and I am so sorry if this is the first article you read, or one of the first times you get to hear - or read - about the Bible. Here are three possibilities, I will let you pick the one you like the most: you can go back to the first articles we published and get to know a little bit more about the Bible, or you can finish off this article and ask us questions or, finally, after reading this article, you can go back to older ones to understand the context a little bit more. Now this is said… Let’s begin!
Not so long ago, I finished the book of John for only God knows how many times; I really don't know to be honest. It's this time that I realized that Jesus wasn't the "handsome man type". Nobody could actually distinguish Him from other people - even Mary Magdalene, who was following Him and serving Him, couldn’t distinguish Him from the gardener when she went to His tomb on resurrection day.
When you hear or pronounce the word “Christian” or when you describe yourself as one, it is about being a “little Christ” or a “little Jesus”. Good news if you’re not satisfied with your physical appearance, you don't need to look awesome, or to have any specific attribute to be like Him. The goal here is not to talk about the way you see yourself or anything like this, but if you would be interested in it, do not hesitate to let us know. I am sure that at least one person in the team will be glad to write about it! We all have a lot to learn, and to share.
Back to my main point, being like Jesus does not mean looking amazing all the time, or having a seemingly life perfect. And I think these testimonies of Him being confused with the gardener, or him mingling with the people show that you don’t need to make waves, even when you are the Son of God. It might be able to calm our egos when we need to ;)
Secondly, He was actually a happy and humorous person. The proof? As seven of His disciples - including Peter, Thomas and Nathanael - went fishing, He met them on the beach and made a barbecue, as they were still on the boat. They had found nothing during their time out at sea. He came, He who hadn't been out there with them, told them where to fish and as they were filling the net, He made all of that. The guys didn't deliver Him any fish yet. Basically, even though He made breakfast, He was expecting them to work.
He could've said "no worries, I've got you" but He waited until they got there with Him on the beach to let them realize He had already done everything for them. I guess I'll have my kids making dinner sometimes, and then tell them it was already ready. You know, a "you got the work done, but I got something good (or better, you never really now haha) for you too" kind of thing. It’s not for today, but I like to think about the future. And I believe that it could be worth it. Partly because Jesus did it. After a long time of tiring work, they got to rest, to enjoy what He had made and got to spend time with Him.
Finally, when Jesus talked with Peter on the beach, this guy began to care about the other disciples, and particularly John. And Jesus basically told him "You're not supposed to care about him, you've got your own life to live for me, and that's all that's supposed to matter to you". We tend - and by we, I mean, pastors, leaders, christians and everyone that goes with it, even us at So What Now - to say that God wants a personal relationship with you, but this is proof. In His relationship with Peter, in the friendship they had, the only thing that was important to Jesus was for Peter to follow Him and to serve Him. He repeats it three times! You have several explanations about this fact, but I also believe that this repetition allows us to understand the importance Jesus puts on Peter. When it deals with Peter. In the same way, the only one who matters to Jesus when it deals with your relationship with Him, it is you.
Don't try to compare to others like Peter wanted to compare to John, but look at where you are going. Look at what Jesus wants from you. He called Peter to “Feed [His] lambs”, He sent Paul to Europe and to testify to Caesar and many kings and political representants. What did God call you to do? Where are the ones you are to minister to? Jesus cares about you and the next move He wants you to do. Do you?
I too have things to correct, aspects in my life that are not where God wants me, I am working on them. I encourage you to do the same. Find your next goal. Is it submitting your life to Jesus? Go for it. Finding a new way to serve Him? Run. Do it all for God. But be you.
With all of my affection and love,
May The Lord bless you abundantly,