Toujours le même


We shared this song on the So What Now? Playlist. Unfortunately, it doesn't exist in French yet. I though it would be useful for you to understand what it says. It is not meant to be sung, I am not that talented yet. But at least, you can enjoy some worship in French, knowing what it means and be blessed by such a song.

May God bless you abundantly,

Tu étais, Tu es et Tu seras
Toujours Le même, toujours le même
Tu as fait, Tu fais et Tu feras
Tant de merveilles, tant de merveilles

En Ton temps, tout s'accomplit
Tu es Dieu, le grand Je SUIS

Tu nous ouvres grand les portes du ciel
Tu nous fais vivre Ta présence
Bien plus précieuse que les plus beaux diamants
Elle nous suffit à chaque instant
​Elle nous suffit pleinement

Refrain x2

El Shadai
Dieu Tout puissant
Dieu qui vit, éternellement


You were, You are and You will be
The Same, always the Same
You did, You do and You will do
So many wonders, so many wonders

In you time, everything comes together
You are God, the great I AM

You open the doors of heaven wide open
You make us live in Your presence
Much more precious than the most beautiful diomonds
It is enough in every time
It is fullly enough

​Chorus x2

El Shaddai
Almighty God
God who eternally lives





Reckless Love