Small Things In My Life!


I learned to be grateful. God showed me that He is in every blessing, good thing that happens. Or at least that, when they come from Him, I can be grateful for them, because they only can be good to me and to those around me. Of course, He also is in the outcomes out of the hard times, and helps me through them. But today, let me share with you a short testimony of what He can do: small things in my life.

A few months ago, I was hanging out with a friend. I hadn’t seen her in months and we had a lot of things to catch up on. As we had lunch and talked, I began to share with her my testimony, or I would better say “testimonies”. Just several parts of what God did in my life. And honestly, when I look back on them, I can only say how happy I am to be able to share them openly with anybody. Here’s why : God has done so many wonderful things in my life! And I simply want to share it to the world so it can discover the grace He offers us.

So… I told her about many times in my life when I decided to submit my life and my decisions to God and prayed before doing anything. And I told her how much God was faithful and answered my prayers. After lunch, when we asked for the bill, the waiter told us somebody paid it all for us. My friend and I had a strange reaction as we were both really surprised.

However, here are two points that I realized:

  • We can have surprises when we testify about God’s faithfulness. My friend even told me that I could be on a good way to convince her to believe in Christ : I prayed for the day before we met up, and she was impressed that this happened.

  • Jesus paid it all for us. This is what He did when He died on that Cross 2000 years ago. My friend and I felt like we owed something to the restaurant. But at the same time it felt so good! And it made us smile. To be honest, I really felt blessed, these things never happened to us before. Above all in a financial situation where I know that I need to save money. But what is this in comparison to the price paid by Jesus to forgive my sins? If there is one to whom I owe my life, that is Him...

I believe that when you are willing to do good to people and to testify of God’s goodness, God will give it back to you in a way or another. It all comes out of love, and believe me, I am not looking for these blessings. Doing everything I can with a sacrificial love, I get to see Him in every possible way. And in these small things in my life.

To wrap this article up, note that 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” (KJV) and I believe that this is the main point of this whole day. When we posted this on our stories, another of my friends responded “Praise God!”, and honestly, I couldn’t have said it better than that.

The point of this message is to encourage you to seek God in every small thing you can receive. I know that God is the God of great miracles, but He also is the God who supports us, and shows us His blessings during times that are more quiet, and still.

I don’t know if there is anything you can take out of this more than an encouragement, but I think that was the main point.

With all of these thoughts just written down this way,
I simply wish you a blessed week




How Did I Come to Christ?