No Pressure
The last week of March was extremely tiring for me. It is one of the reasons why the blog, the Facebook and Instagram pages, Spotify and YouTube were quite silent during the past two months.
But, in the middle of all this, as I was wondering how I could do everything I had to do, something very simple happened, and I’d like to share it with you.
I woke up the first Sunday of April with a terrible headache and very aware of the papers to finish for the end of the school term. I was scheduled to serve with our youth group, so I went, determined to serve my God and these teenagers with everything I had.
When I arrived at church, I found out I was the only team member there. My head was still hurting, in a word, nothing was going well. I felt like I was bearing the world on my shoulders.
In the middle of our time with the teenagers, another youth leader arrived (public transportation was not very cooperative on that day) and everything went really well in itself. The problem that came up is that she was charged to make food for 25 people for our Young adults meeting after the second service, so I helped her. We finished 30 minutes before the end of service, stayed for that time, and we then went back to finish up with the food.
During that whole time, the pain had not left. I was exhausted, but I ate with my YA group, with the intention of staying for our worship service afterwards, but my body was telling me it was impossible.
So, I decided to go back home. And this is when the shift happened.
I told my pastor I was sorry, I really couldn’t stay because I couldn’t stand and he answered in two words:
“No worries” or “No pressure” (I can’t remember word for word, you’ll get why in a second).
Truth is, that’s exactly what I needed.
So, on my way back home (which took a very long time given the works on the line), I put everything back into God’s hands. I told Him I trusted him and I wanted to count on Him only and no one else.
And since then, it’s as if all the weight I was bearing had been dropped off at God’s feet, who sent His Son to die for me, to bear my sins and weights. And I can tell you I wasn’t expecting it.
These words just because I want to encourage you to not take on weight that does not belong to you. Remember the invitation Jesus gave you. I think you’ll appreciate it.