Gifts: By God & For God


I am back with a brand new series! I think that you will like lit. However, it will probably not be the way that you’d want it. I know, there are certain subjects that I haven’t talked about a lot since the beginning of the blog, and, I am not under the impression that that is a good thing to do. Oh well, not again… We’ll see when we get there. 

Yet, I am not here today to talk to you about what I won’t do. I hope I didn’t hurt you. 

As you saw in the title of the article, I want to talk to you about love languages. Has anyone else heard about those? 

A pastor in the United States, Gary Chapman, wrote about this subject and explains that there are five love languages. And this is what I’m offering to you to discover today and for the rest of the summer. I’ll start with this article with a quick explanation as to what it is (trust me, it isn’t long). And then, I will talk to you about how we can use said language for a reason; I believe that that reason is for that ever-important relationship with God.. These languages deserve to be lived. All of this makes Him happy! In the same way that He shows us His love for us through those very same languages. 

Therefore, let us begin with a very simple and common action: offering gifts. 

What is it? 

Some people feel loved when they receive gifts. Generally, these people will show that they love you as well by giving you gifts. It doesn’t mean tha they are materialistic, just that they manage to present their love in this manner. 

How to live that with God? 

I will concede in saying that it is a little complex. I want to say that, while God IS, He has no physical form (John 4:24). Therefore, it’s complicated to offer Him a gift. However, in my perception, He still likes it, up to a point.

In the Bible, you can see that men, to be reconciled with Him, made sacrifices (you can read the book of Leviticus to see a description). The Bible tells us, in fact, that "without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness" (Hebrews 9:22). They could also make offerings (eg Genesis 4: 3-4). But, once Jesus sacrificed Himself, that didn't stop the first congregation from continuing to give gifts to God.

In fact, the Bible tells us that the apostles and those that were congregating with them, as well as the churches, offered their thanks to God, since Paul encourages perseverance (Colossians 4:2). I believe that it is a good start. 

But more than that, the Bible shows us that the apostles brought their belongings together, so that no one was ever in a state of need (Acts 2:44 - 45). Therefore, am I telling you to sell your house, your car and your clothes? No. Except if God is calling you to, then go ahead! However, I will ask you to consider giving a part of your revenue to works that glorify God in your entourage. This may be a church through your offering, an association that speaks of the gospel or that helps those in need. 

You can also choose to start fasting every so often, to offer your time to God. Fasting is a sacrifice in our day and age, in favor of God. Social media, video games, television, food, time with you friends and hobbies ar things that we can sacrifice in our fast for God. 

How does God show it to me? 

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8).

I hope that that gave you a new perspective on loving God and seeing love of God in your life. 

Be abundantly blessed, 



Quality Time: By God & For God


It’s My Life!