The Miseducation of Hip-Hop

Let me propose a wild theory for most Hip-Hop enthusiasts: there is no true beginning to Hip-Hop. I don't believe that there is a specific point in history where someone can say that rap started. The reason why all of this is a reality can be because of the fact that Hip-Hop has so many different influences. To find a true chronological beginning to Hip-Hop would require one to do some sleuthing and what historians would call "guess-work".

How far can we go? Let's examine what we already have. The way that History is often divided is in eras. These eras are based on specific moments in history. Hip-Hop is a topic and subject of study, ours. Most Hip-Hop enthusiasts could claim that there is an almost pre-established timeline that should be respected by any enthusiast. But I would beg to differ. Therefore, I must challenge the status quo.

This is why I'm the RatedR, and you are not.

I believe that the best way to be able to create a timeline in Hip-Hop would be to create a timeline that is based on both academic and cultural touchstones. It's through a melding of the two that people are able to find what the true historical timeline of Hip-Hop is. It's perplexing due to the sheer size that the entire genre took in the span of less than fifty years; this is in reference to geography, musicality, culture and the economy. Therefore, basing myself on those elements, the timeline of Hip-Hop changes drastically from what old heads have always told you.

There are a plethora of different timelines, each proposing their own spins on what is Hip-Hop history, based on their own understanding of the music. I won't say that I'm inherently better than them because I don't believe in that: I believe that discourse is necessary in our genre.

This is what I propose:

For the next few articles, I will break down these various eras and the turning points that led us to the moment in which we are. This timeline was based and created on the basis of the previously stated qualifications.

I hope that these articles can spark some discourse and some level of change in your belief in Hip-Hop. It's not an uncultured culture, but a victim of miseducation from the academics and misunderstanding by many of the listeners who refuse to acknowledge the importance of its history.

So, welcome to the Miseducation of Hip-Hop.

Are you excited fro this new series? Have you ever thought about the history of Hip-Hop? Who is the most influential rapper of all-time in your opinion? Sound off in the comments below, follow on Instagram at @TheRated_RN2 for more unfiltered comments on rap, the community and music in general.


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