Rihanna and Drake: A Musical Timeline

With Valentine’s Day approaching, it’s important to celebrate love. Hip-Hop has seen it’s fair share of love stories throughout the years. One cannot forget the iconic coupling of Jay Z and Beyoncé. Nor can anyone disregard the historically controversial love triangle that the Notorious B.I.G. was in, as he dealt with Lil Kim and his wife, Faith Evans. Hip-Hop has had it all, but no one has expressed their awkward and very human relationship the same way as Drake and Rihanna have throughout the years. 

While their real life relationship is something that has been covered in the tabloids and awkwardly presented to the world during the Grammy Awards, what we will examine is the musical history. In this article, we will examine the torrid reality of some relationships, through the four songs that they have together. 

Mind you, I will not be counting “Lemon (Remix)” as it is a remix of a N.E.R.D song and not a specific song in either of their albums. 

Most relationships begin with that initial burst of love; this is what “What’s My Name?” is. That bubbly pop-tune is reminiscent of the lightning strike that happens at the beginning of the relationship. The attraction is present and powerful. We can all admit that we have been Drake before: “Soon as you go, the text that I write is gon' say”. Rihanna continues throughout the duet, exploring the beauty of this relationship and what it is supposed to be at its core. Sexy. Empowering. Thrilling. But, that doesn’t last forever. 

A lot of relationships will pass the bubbly, cupcake season without a doubt. However, that is always followed by what can only be called, the period of discovery. Who is this person, really? What makes them who they are? What scars do they have from the battles that they have fought? These feelings can only be presented by the timeless classic, “Take Care”. In this track off Drake’s second album, the two talk about how they’ve both been hurt “by someone else”, but that they are still willing to love each other. Be there for each other. In essence, take care of each other, because they both have lost. 

And so enters the paradox that is the romantic relationship in the modern world: everything seems to be going great, but things stew in our hearts. Love isn’t what it used to be. Things have been thrown and accusations said out loud. “Work”, though a dancehall hit off Rihanna’s Anti, at first listen, allows for positive vibes, it is far from it. On Rihanna’s end, it is a plea to go through work, even though the relationship is understandably fragile.  "If I get another chance to, I would never, oh never, neglect you," are the words both said and unsaid by many: promises made after a fight you wish you never had. 

Finally, the big blow-up. Hate and resentment has encroached where love used to reign supreme. “Too Good”, the last of the chapter of the story, presents the last moments of the relationship, where both parties realize that their friends are happier than them these days. In this duet off Views, we get to see the end of the relationship, as both believe that they are too good for the other, for themselves, to be together. Both of them want to benefit from this - whatever this is anymore - but maybe it was infidelity, lack of trust or communication that left the relationship in ruins.

So ends the relationship that we’ve followed since 2011; ending five years later in heartbreak and deception. 

Even though this relationship doesn’t work, it is not what we would want or expect for you during this time where we are to celebrate love. In fact, we want you to listen to these songs. Keep the excitement from the beginning of the relationship. Take care of yourselves and each other as you pass through the storms. Work through the struggles that life might throw your way. Treat your love with love, not like they’re too good for you or not good enough to deserve it. In all, show love.

What do you think of this storyline? What did you think of the article? What’s your favorite Rihanna / Drake collaboration? Sound off in the comments below, follow on Instagram at @YongeEntertainment for more unfiltered comments on rap, the community, and music in general.


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