Let’s Talk COVID-19

This is going to be an article that seems generally out of place with everything that I tend to write in the Rap Clash, therefore, bare with me.

With everything going on with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) I thought it was important to give a little notice on a few things. I'll stay true to my name and remain the RatedR, purely just because I can. We need a wake up call in society.

I will start off by saying that the last place where you should be getting your information about COVID-19 is from social media. Blogs, much like this one, Facebook Posts and Twitter can often carry misinformation that will lead you astray. I suggest that you listen and read verifiable sources that aren't FOX news. Anything but that at this point; common sense can explain why. But the first source that I suggest will be your national health service. No matter what country you live in, you should be tuned into their services to hear the most accurate news.

I will suggest that you wash your hands regularly for at least 20 - 30 seconds. If you want to listen to music as you do so, please do: listening to the entire intro to Lil Mosey's 'Blueberry Faygo' should be enough... Yes, taking twenty seconds of a 2:42 track to put a needless intro is ridiculous, but that's not my call. If you are of the christian persuasion, may I suggest 'Jesus is Lord' by Kanye West? Listen to half the forty-nine second track and it'll be enough. As you all can understand, I am not one who likes to listen to needlessly short songs.

Anyways, I will also suggest that we need to continue doing social distancing. It doesn't mean you don't like your family, neighbors or members of your community, it's in order to protect them and yourself. It's important to stop the spread of the virus and lower the curve as much as possible. It is imperative to listen to that message so that we can help the people who will be most susceptible.

Now, to return to my love of Hip-Hop: do not be afraid to support your artists. While a lot of concerts have been postponed or outright cancelled around the world, it doesn't mean you can't go and buy merchandise off Amazon or their site, nevertheless streaming their music. Independent artists are being hit hard by this. J. Cole said it properly in '1985': "I got some good advice, never quit tourin' / 'Cause that's the way we eat here in this rap game". The little that we can do for our artists will get repaid eventually: I don't know how or when, but I know that it'll be received.

Therefore, take this time at home in social distancing by not being socially distant. Spend time with your family: play games or do some work with them. Read Rap Clash articles like bedtime stories. Do what you have to do with your family; keep them and yourself safe above all else.

Sincerely yours,



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