Judging the Modern Rap Album Summary & The Future

Taking the time to sit down and write the Rap Clash for Yonge Entertainment is an amazing experience that I don't want to take for granted. I want to make sure that every word is worth being said and is important in the grand scheme of it all. You can read these articles and see a different perspective, learn something new or even be entertained by my lack of a filter. It's pretty fun to do. That being said, I wanted to start by my first series (Judging the Modern Rap Album) because I felt as if there are quite a few critics who do not know how to judge a rap album, especially those who do not know what's going in the Culture. It's very detailed and it took me three whole reviews to go through what seem to be very simple and precise points:

  • Judge the album/project/song for its merits and not to bank on the artists past. It leads to expectations and to have a skewed opinion..

  • Take into account the lyrics, may that be the topics, themes, word play, etc. that comes in the project because that is the core of the song.

  • Never forget to give credit to the beat and the production, because that is the backbone of the song and what makes it musically appealing to us fans.

By going through those simple steps, I know that we are now able to have more insightful and thought provoking conversations about the music being put out. I know that I will definitely start to criticize albums and mixtapes (you can suggest projects by sending me a message through the Boss Moves Network or dropping them in the comments) from the past and some new releases while using those three simple instructions. Those may take some time because I want to give you all quality assessments of what the rapper is saying, or at least trying to say.

That being said, I will also start new series on topics such as The Greatest of All Time conversation and the Legacy of Hip-Hop, some of them will start around the same time and last for a while. I have a lot of projects in the works with BMN, therefore you can count on me releasing new articles on Fridays. I will also, every so often, do posts like these where I talk to you all directly about what's going on with The Rap Clash behind the scenes or some new things that may be coming for me or for the articles.

Anyways, I pray you all stay safe and that all of you come back for more in depth conversations about rap and the hip-hop community.

Sincerely yours,

The RatedR


The Classic Album Qualification


The Modern Top 5